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In the next 60 seconds you're going to receive an email from us with your access details in it.

Getting started and creating video courses using CourseReelAI is super easy and in no time from now, you'll be creating more and more video courses, generating fresh new leads and making sales.

And then you want to create and publish more and more…AND MORE!

It's understandable - you want to scale up a good thing, right?

You are not the only one who feels this way.

Before we brought CourseReelAI to you, we ran several beta runs. Serving half-baked cookies is not the way we run things here.

The beta results came back and were simply amazing.

The users were very happy in particular with the ease with which they can create and publish their courses.

The only thing everyone wanted was… MORE of it.

Everyone wanted to be able to create MORE videos, publish MORE videos and create MORE courses on autopilot.

Plus, they even wanted to reuse others videos from other social media channels - and create curated courses.

So, here's what we did…

We pumped in an insane amount of extra money…to upgrade our system and created something EXCLUSIVELY for you.

That's why before you get started, I want to share something amazing with you, something that will speed up your video course creation, unlock brand new features and set everything to unlimited, giving you the ability to create studio quality videos you should be creating.

Create UNLIMITED Animated Videos & Video Courses & Sell Them For 100% Profits!

Here's the thing…

We build CourseReelAI to make it easy for anyone to create videos and video courses without spending too much time.

But if everyone is going to be creating the same style of videos, what will you do to stand apart and attract more viewers to your videos or buyers to your courses?

If you want to stand out, you need to create videos with better presentation, new animations and studio quality transitions.


Unlock Features to Create Unlimited Videos, Add Studio Quality Animation & Sell Them For 100% Profits Using Your Own e-Learning Portal.

Create Unlimited Videos

Get rid of the 50 videos per week limit and now create as many videos as you want. With the CourseReelAI Unlimited access, you will now be able to create as many videos, and video courses as you want using the cloud. No limits or restrictions at all.

Unlimited Videos Using CourseReelAI:

  • With CourseReelAI Unlimited, you can create unlimited course videos every single day. Unlike the current version that caps you to a limited number of videos, with the Unlimited upgrade you can create as many videos as you want, no limit at all.
  • Plus, there is no limit on how many edits you can do and how many courses you can create per day. Create as many courses as you like, nothing holding you back, no limits.
  • You can also import others video to create as many curated course videos as you want, every single day. No cap, nothing stopping you or holding you back.

Unlimited Social Channels

One of the best things about creating content is the ability to repurpose it across multiple social media channels. Not many apps cater for that. CourseReelAI is different. CourseReelAI helps you republish compliant content on Facebook, YouTube and yes - even TikTok and Instagram.

Publish Videos On Unlimited Social Media Channels:

  • Facebook - With CourseReelAI, you can upload your video content to as many Facebook accounts as you want. Do you or your clients have HUNDREDS of fan pages? No problem - we have you covered!
  • YouTube - Let's agree on this - YouTube is great for ranking your videos and getting organic traffic. CourseReelAI gives you a built-in feature to post your videos over to YouTube. Repurpose for profits.
  • TikTok & Instagram - It would be insane not to tap into TikTok and Instagram, right? CourseReelAI also lets you publish your videos onto TikTok and Instagram for immediate traffic.

Unlimited Publishing

Schedule and publish as many videos and video courses as you want. Again - there’s no limit to how many courses you can put. Remember, more good video courses = more leads = more sales and more money!

Publish Unlimited Videos Using CourseReelAI:

  • Use this upgrade to line up multiple pieces of video courses (chapters) for months and years to come. With this, you will never run out of good, engaging content, even for your social media content creation!
  • Have you created other videos outside of CourseReelAI? With this upgrade, you can also bring in those videos and repurpose your content.
  • Share and Schedule videos on Facebook and YouTube. Shhh. This is a bit of a secret (we’ll talk more about that soon). With CourseReelAI Unlimited, you can also add content to your TikTok and Instagram profile. Double whammy!

Unlimited A.I. Course Topic Finder

Feeling stuck on what you should write about next? Unlimited A.I. Course Topic Finder is the solution for that! It’s an A.I. powered feature that lets you use our Course Content Generation A.I. to get recommendations on what your course topic can be .

Find Course Topics Easily with Unlimited AI Course Topic Finder:

  • The AI will generate a list of potential topics for you to choose from. Simply select the one that you think would be the most interesting to write about.
  • You can also use the Unlimited AI Course Topic Finder to get ideas for your course video scripts, what courses you could create in your niche or what courses you could create using just a keyword.
  • No caps. Search unlimited niches and keywords. Get unlimited course topic ideas. Nothing held back.

Unlimited A.I. Course Chapter Creator

Once you found the course topic, it's time to use the Unlimited A.I. Course Chapter Creator to generate the chapter. With this feature, you can quickly create an outline for your chapter, including the main points and sub-points that you want to cover.

Create Course Chapters Fast with Unlimited AI Course Chapter Creator:

  • Select the course topic that you want to write about. You can write anything and specify how many points and sub-points you want to include.
  • The Unlimited AI Course Chapter Creator will then generate an outline for your chapters, which you can then use to write the content for your course.
  • With Unlimited AI Course Chapter Creator, you can create unlimited course chapter ideas. Nothing holding you back and no limited on how many or how often.

Unlimited A.I. Course Content Creator

After you found your course topic and created your course chapters, it's time for your course content scripts to shine! The Unlimited A.I. Course Content Creator will help you write your unlimited course content, including anything you want to write.

Create Course Content with Unlimited AI Course Content Creator:

  • You can easily convert unlimited chapter you've generated using the Course Chapter Creator into a script for your courses. This feature does all the hard work for you in a few minutes work.
  • With Unlimited Course Content Creator, you can easily create unlimited high-quality content for your courses, without having to worry about coming up with ideas or spending hours writing scripts.
  • Since it is done by an AI, there will be a limit of 50 uses for our frontend users. But when you upgrade to CourseReelAI Unlimited, you can enjoy unlimited uses!


I'd absolutely over to over-deliver.
You've probably seen this with the CourseReelAI launch special price.

So let me over-deliver one more time…

When you lock-in your CourseReelAI Unlimited Upgrade, you'll also get these features as extra add-on:

Create Full High-Definition Videos - 30min Length

Render and export your videos in 1080p with option to export as 4K (beta) resolution as well. PLUS create video lessons as long as 30 minutes in length. Create videos that look more clean, clear, crisp and are longer in length, so you never have to worry about sharing less content.

75+ Animations Styles

Adding animations to your text, images or other elements inside CourseReelAI editor is just a click away. Select what you want to animate, pick from over 75 different animation styles and you’re done. Create studio quality animated videos in minutes now.

65+ Video Transitions Styles

Adding video effects and transitions to your slides has never been this easier. Pick from over 65 attention grabbing transition effects, preview them and drag-n-drop them on your slides while editing the video. Yes, it's that easy with CourseReelAI Unlimited upgrade.

Share on Instagram & TikTok

Get access to our ReelApps mobile app for iOS and Android to access all your videos on your mobile phone as soon as they are ready and share them on Instagram and TikTok in just a tap.

Priority Video Rendering

With the CourseReelAI Unlimited, all your videos are set to high-priority cloud-rendering. While others wait longer, your videos will be ready much faster and always ready on time. Instant download available and your videos will be ready to publish.

Account Manager + Priority Support

With the CourseReelAI Unlimited, you'll get a direct line to us via your account manager and the priority technical support. Need a new features, new training or tutorial help or have anything you need improved or added? Just inform your account manager via a quick email and we'll priorities it for you and make it happen.

As a special Add-on Today, You're Also Getting Access to our e-Learning Platform to Host & UNLIMITED Video Courses.


CourseWebsite Builder PRO

Course Manager

Manage all the courses easily from the advanced admin panel

Instructor Dashboard

This LMS Software also has a separate dashboard for Instructor...

Drag-&-Drop Lesson

Organize all your lessons with inbuilt easy drag and drop tool...

Student Dashboard

Learning Management system with easy to use Student Dashboard...

Public Instructor

This Udemy clone script comes with Public instructor module...

Invoice Print & PDF

LMS Users can print their invoice as well as export as pdf also...

Course Player

This Udemy clone script comes with inbuilt intuitive course player...

Course Progress

This LMS shows the progress of course and learnings dynamically...

Course Video Resume

This LMS system has inbuilt Course Video resume functionality...

Quiz & Lessons

Instructor or admin can create Lessons, Quizzes & Sections...

Course Purchase Report

Now you can see a full report of course sales from admin panel...

Messaging System

Student and Instructor can interact with 2-way Messaging System...

Course Filter

This LMS system has an inbuilt Course Filter System for users...

Course WishList

This Udemy clone software has inbuilt wishlist function for users...

Shopping Cart

Users can purchase courses with inbuilt ready shopping cart system...

Multi Theme Support

This Udemy clone script supports multiple themes in a single click...

Mobile Apps

We are working on mobile apps and will be released very soon...

Multiple Language

This Udemy clone LMS system supports multiple languages...


This Learning management system supports multi-currencies...

SEO Optimized

Be top in google with this SEO Optimized Udemy clone script...

Responsive Design

This LMS Website is fully responsive on any devices or resolutions...

Better UX/UI

This Udemy clone LMS system has completely User-friendly design...

Easy Customization

This is open source so you can customize this LMS at any level...

Strong Security

We have designed it by keeping data security as the most priority...

Easy Course Builder

Instructor or admin can build courses easily with advanced builder...

Multi Lesson File Types

Lessons can be as youtube, Vimeo, html5 video, text, pdf, doc image files...

Smart Installer

Install this Udemy clone PHP script in just 4 easy steps without technical knowledge...

Many More

This LMS System has many more features to run a website successfully...

Udemy Clone Script

Student Process

Create Account & Browse Courses, Save favorite courses to the Wishlist, Add courses to Cart and Purchase, Start Learning from my Course Page, Messaging with course instructor, Own Dashboard, Many more features...

Online LMS Software

Instructor Process

Create Course from Instructor panel, Admin Approves pending courses for sale, Student can purchase courses, Money deposited to Admin site, Withdraw Money, Separate dashboard. Many more features...

Learning Management System

Admin Process

Install Eudemia - Udemy Clone LMS system in own hosting with Own domain and Own Brand, Customize portal, Create courses, Approve instructor courses, Sell courses, Receive money, Manage full system & Many more...

Setup Udemy Clone Script

Setup & Organize
LMS Course Portal

Install Eudemia in a few easy simple steps. Setup course LMS website by setting up payment information, Paypal or stripe. Setup Youtube and Vimeo API keys for video lessons. Set your purchase code for product verification. Setup instructor and SMTP settings. Create categories for courses.

Start real work...

Create Course, Lessons,Quizzes

Courses can be created by admin with advanced but easy section and lessons manager. Curriculum and other settings of a course are organized in such an intuitive way that anyone can easily start teaching without technical knowledge.

Go Profitable with Udemy Clone LMS

Students Enroll To
& Start Learning

Students can enroll in his preferred listed courses. There is some filtering option to choose the right course for his purpose. A dedicated my course page is there to watch the purchased course list. Students can start learning from any damn device at any time and from anywhere. They can also save a course in the wish list for the future purchase.

Commission System

Payout Commission
To Instructors

Admin or owner can allow public instructors to create and submit course and lessons. Revenue can be divided according to the site’s predefined commission rate. After an instructor creates a course, an admin will approve it for start selling. Admin / Owner can later payout the instructor of his revenue according to his defined commission rate.

Build Business

Watch Revenue Report,
Build Up Your Own Business.

Detailed payment report will be generated and shown right in the administrative panel. Date wise report viewing option is also designed for easy understanding of business growth and course enroll status. So go profitable with this easy to use Udemy Clone Learning management system...

Upgrade Now Before The Price Goes Back to $197

Listen, we're only offering this for such a low price right now because we want our early adopters to benefit the most and get more for less.

But we can't keep this open for long and have to be fair with everyone.

The price for CourseReelAI Unlimited Upgrade will increase to $97 in next few hours and then $197 at midnight.

You snooze you lose!

Time Remaining for next price increase…

  • 1-Click Multi-Lingual Video Translation - 100+ Languages
  • Multi-Lingual Voice-Overs - 20 Languages
  • 50 NEW Voice-Over Accents
  • CourseReelAI Unlimited
  • Create Unlimited Videos
  • Create FHD Videos - 60min Length
  • 75+ Animations Styles
  • 65+ Video Transitions Styles
  • Share on Instagram & TikTok
  • Account Manager + Priority Support
  • ONLY FOR TODAY: CourseWebsite Builder PRO - Sell Your Courses Online
  • Course Manager, Instructor Dashboard, Drag-&-Drop Lesson, Student Dashboard, Public Instructor, Invoice Print & PDF, Course Player, Course Progress, Course Video Resume, Quiz & Lessons, Course Purchase Report, Messaging System & Much More


  • Fast Action Bonus: Advanced Analytics & Reporting
  • Fast Action Bonus: Free Cloud-Storage for Videos
  • Fast Action Bonus: TikTok Traffic Generation Training
  • Fast Action Bonus: WP TubeLeads - Commercial
  • Fast Action Bonus: Underground Traffic Sources
Upgrade To CourseReelAI Unlimited For Just $197
CourseReelAI Unlimited

Fast-Action Bonus #1:

Advanced Analytics & Reporting

Get a birds-eye view of everything that's happening with all the videos and courses you've just created.

See which piece of video is currently published, which is pending to be rendered and/or published and which you still need to complete to get things moving.

Fast-Action Bonus #2:

Free Cloud-Storage

With CourseReelAI UNLIMITED upgrade today, we're offering your unlimited free cloud-storage to host and save all the stories videos you'll be created using CourseReelAI UNLIMITED for up to 7 days.

Fast-Action Bonus #3:

TikTok Traffic Generation for Internet Marketers

The TikTok social media platform has seen explosive growth over the last two years. It now has 500 million users that are desperate for fun and exciting content and this is a massive opportunity for you to promote your business.

To be successful with TikTok marketing you need to know how the platform works and how the users interact with each other.

TikTok appeals to a younger demographic and you really need to speak their language to be successful.

This video guide will explain all you need to know about TikTok to create successful marketing campaigns.

Fast-Action Bonus #4:

WP TubeLeads

With this plugin you can enhance the user engagement of your YouTube videos and increase your mailing list.

Integrate any YouTube video and start converting right away. Use the time-stamps with the video to maximize interest and action.

Fast-Action Bonus #5:

Underground Traffic Sources

If you create video courses or are a blogger, affiliate marketer or any online business owner, traffic is essential as this is the life-blood of any type of business you built on the internet.

The thing is that, you have seen many articles and videos teaching you the general ways how you can drive traffic to your website and the sad part is that, everybody is doing it.

Well the good is that, there are still some traffic generation techniques that usually been used and because of this reason you will not be mixed to the crowd. You'll discover all of this in this training.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I just purchase CourseReelAI Unlimited?

No. CourseReelAI Unlimited is an upgrade to CourseReelAI app. You MUST have CourseReelAI Advanced for this upgrade to work. If you purchase ONLY the Unlimited upgrade, you will need to purchase the CourseReelAI Advanced and there will be no refund offered.

Is CourseReelAI Unlimited Upgrade essential for CourseReelAI campaigns?

No. This upgrade isn't necessary and everything that's mentioned on the CourseReelAI website is included in your account. However, we strongly recommend you upgrade to Unlimited to get more features and unlock everything unlimited. You will need these in future but by then the price would increase exponentially.

Can I think about this and come back later?

You can but the price will increase exponentially and to be fair with everyone else, we won't be able to give you this special deal again.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. Furthermore, certain proof and case studies mentioned on this website may not be associated with our product or service, and any results presented may not have been generated utilizing our product. Such materials are solely provided for case study and motivational purposes. We strongly recommend that all website visitors exercise their own due diligence and discretion prior to making any purchasing decisions.

By making a purchase on this website, you agree to abide by all our policies and will not be misusing our product(s) for any wrongful purposes.